
Scenographer Catia Hauberg Engel
Copenhagen, Denmark


The Danish National School of Theatre, dep. of Scenography.
The Royal Danish Academy of fine Arts, School of Architecture (3 years).
I have, since my graduation, been working as Scenographer, creating stage design and costumes.
My role as set designer, is to create an artistic visual context for a production, that presents the onstage narrative, as one that is in fact intimately connected to the audience member. In my work, I seek to create an arena of experience, where the spatial and the sensual elements will bring the underlying themes of a text to the fore. Theater is not an art form that belongs to the individual. It is an organic medium, where several arts merge in the creative process, and create an experience greater than the simple sum of its parts. Theater is volatile, and a living force that connects to the audience, and leaves an emotional and intellectual exchange to take place.


Mail: catia.hauberg@gmail.com
Phone: +45 2720 1282
Skype: catia.kbh

STAGE DESIGN, examples:

2025: Står stille mens jeg falder, Hamletscenen
2024: Don Juan, Helsingør Kammeropera
2024: Exhibition: The Buckarest Scenography Biennale, Oistat
2024: Kunstner cabaret: Hopla Bravo Skifter
2023: La Bohéme, Helsingør Kammeropera
2023: FOR EN BEDRE VERDEN, Odense Teater
2023: EKKO FRA VENEDIG, Hamletscenen
2022:THE DANCE OF WILD SILENCE: It’s Liquid, Venezia. IT
2022: WORLD STAGE DESIGN, VR exhibition, University of Calgary, CA
2021| “Re(W)Rite!”, Cantabile2, Den Frie Udstilling
2019| “RICHARD III”, HamletScenen
2019| “MY BRILLIANT FRIEND”, Odense Teater
2018| “SOMALI MEMORIES”, Eutopis Stage
2018| “IT´S LIQUID”, Exhibition, Venezia, IT
2017| “OLIVER TWIST”, Odense Teater
2017| “HAMLET”, HamletScenen
2015|“LYKKENS PARADOKS” Cantabile2, on locations in DK
2014| ACTIVE LIVING HOUSE, SDU, ESOF2014, Carlsberg Byen.
2013| “LIVET OG DØDEN”, Rafn/Stougaard, dev. of Production Design.
2012| “FRANKENSTEIN” N. Dear/M. Shelley, Aarhus Teater.
2011| “KORUS KABARET” Bach/Djørup, Aarhus Sommeropera.
2010| “DRØMMERNE” K. Blixen, Hamletscenen, Helsingør Kulturværft.
2010| “THE VENUS LABYRINTH” Cantabile2/Conflux, The Arches, GL, UK.
2009| “BYEN DER GLØDER”, Café Teatret.
2006| “FYRVÆRKERIMESTERENS DATTER”, Pullman, Aarhus Teater.
2004| “HAMLET”, W. Shakespeare, Hamlet Sommer, Kronborg Slotsgård.
2004| “HARUN OG EVENTYRHAVET” S. Rushdie, Aarhus Teater.
2003| “LES QUATRE DIABLES” Hofteatret.
2001| “TROLLFLÖJTAN”, W. A. Mozart, Ystad Teater, Opera I Ystad, SE.
2000| “HÅND I HÅND”, S. Freden, Mammutteatret.
1998| “DOBBELTØKSENS HUS/XX” , Kanonhallen, Hotel Pro Forma.